লালন ফকিরের মাজার

লালন ফকিরের মাজার

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


I am not educated. Non-formally I learned how to read and write Bangla. I speak English with people like Hon. Bill Thomas JP; MLA of Perth, Western Australia through the voice of the writer of this script. The writer and I are spiritually at one. As an esoteric Baul Fakir, I should not speak exoterically. The people who are trying to destroy the sanctity of the Mazar of mysecond-to-SupremeGuru Lalon Fakir (bdh - Bauls bow down their heads when they utter the names of venerable) have compelled me to be so.

People from all social strata including many politicians visit Mazar. They respect and support Mazar in many ways. Some of the Wahabi/Tablighi members are disrespectful to Mazar visitation (Jiyarat). They call Mazar Kabar (grave) and visitation Puja (worship). Kabar and Mazar are not comparable. Kabar is for ordinary people who perish. Mazar is for Auliya (friends of God) who remain immortal. Lalon is ever living. The Quran says: And say not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah,They are dead. Nay, they are living, but you perceive it not(Surah 2:154). Again: Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead. Nay they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision (sura 3:169).

Without a visitation to the Mazar (Raoza) of Prophet Muhammad (sm.), the Haj is considered to be incomplete.

How do people know who are Auliya? People spontaneously build memorial (Mazar) for Auliya and are spiritually attracted to visitation of their Mazar. These two human conducts in context cannot be forced. Think for just one moment about the deceased renowned people you knew and find the difference in respect of public responses in this context. Thus, Mazar is not Kabar. The Quran emphasises on Mazar. It asks its followers to construct a building on the spot even where Auliya were present once. The Quran says:Construct a building over them (Auliya), their Lord knows best about them(sura 18:21). The reason for more than one Mazar of some Auliya is to be found here.

The people who are trying to destroy the sanctity of the Mazar of Lalon are in fact inviting reprisal. They must avoid conflict with the naturalist Lalon and his Bauls. It is not a threat. Scientists now believe that the world humanity is in trouble with environmental reprisal. They fail to realise this and over-exploited natureís renewable resources beyond regenerating capacity. The nature is now biting back. Bauls are naturalist. They know the technology of biting back. Learn from history how Baul community vexed the British, irresistibly. Please do not try to be British-like. To live yourself in peace, 'Leave Lalon And His Bauls As They Are'.

Baul Fakirs can pass any test they encounter. They lead a life that is made of the elements of sacrifice. Their handling of situations is different. It is said that Fakir Majnu Shah went to the gate of a British official aspiring to take revenge of his oppression to poor villagers. He found the gate quite invincible, for a ferocious dog was on guard. The Fakir had some food with him for his next meal. He sacrificed his food for the dog to eat, and made his way to the British official.

For those who do not know of the charisma and might of the naturalist Bauls, a briefing follows. Mostly unlettered, yet full of poetical, musical, and philosophical talent; the Bauls are often seen as being at the root of Bangali culture. They come from both Muslim and Hindu backgrounds. Bauls are mostly male. Female Bauls are fewer, but more popular. As a tradition in the Bangali cultural context, Bauls are unique in socio-religious syncretisation. This has been acknowledged by pundits such as Rabi Thakur, Mansuruddin, Kabi Jasimuddin, Anwarul Karim, Abu Talib, Abul Hasnat Chowdhuury, Solaiman Ali Sarkar, Upen Bhattacarya, Fakir Rashid, Khaja Jahangir, Bhagawan Rajneesh, Khsitimohan Sen, Edward Dimock, Sashivushan Dasgupta, Sanat Kumar Mitra, Mcdaniel, to name a few. These pundits suggest that the Fakirs have made contributions towards maintaining the social harmony in Bengal by subduing the prevalent caste and creed hatred in Bangali society. How do the unlettered Fakirs do that? What are the secrets?

The above writers express their inability to answer these questions, for they lack initiation, training and membership of the esoteric Baul tradition. Scholars both from home and abroad are attracted to the Baul Fakirs' intuitive wisdom and spontaneity of expression. But Baul Fakirs speak about their esoteric wisdom and practices only to deserving initiates.

The impact of the relationship between Mazar and Bauls has social significance. It is not of a superficial cultural kind but goes deeper into people's belief systems, so much so that the Baul Fakirs are looked upon as an integral part of the whole of Bangali culture. This makes Baul Fakirs unique. Baul Fakirs are extremely Guruvadi (teacher-venerating). The Gurus teach the essence of Sufism - a religion for all.

The sentiment of Baul Fakirs in relation to their affiliation to Mazar have diverse meanings. Baul Fakirs reveal that there is a need for some places to learn any branch of learning. For general teaching, schools are there. For book knowledge on Islam, Madrasas are there. Accordingly, to learn Islam in reality and the reality in Islam, Mazars are the places and Gurus the teachers. To know Allah, it is Mazar; for Allah lives in the heart of Mumins (Auliya). Allah does not live in the mosques or Madrasas, not even in the Kaba.

The Fakirs believe that the teachings of the Quran were demonstrated in the life of the Prophet in the form of the exoteric Shariat for common people and the esoteric Tariqat for spiritual seekers. Bauls put more importance on the esoteric Tariqat than the exoteric Shariat. If Islam is denuded of esotericism, it becomes a mere skeleton of formalities which people of a rationalist mind-set would accept only as formalities. Unless this skeleton is clothed with flesh and vivified, the real beauty of Islam cannot be appreciated.
Baul Fakirs as "devotee" constantly remain contemplative in Salat (prayer) for recognising the elements of "I"ness in mind which impede the execution of the Islamic spirit. They also give instant Zakat (to give up "I"ness). Obligation for giving Zakat as part of Salat, is repeated in the Quran. It is alleged by Mullahs that Fakirs are heterodox, and seemingly live in the state of Shirk by associating and venerating their Guru as partner to God. In regard to this, the Fakirs assert that, besides the veneration of Guru, there is no other means to attain at the stage of living in Tauhid (without Shirk, Unity of God). ìThat you stand up for Allah's sake in pairs and singly (sura 34:46). Those who fail to understand the role of teacher from this verse, they are apt to misunderstand the Scriptures and misinterpret Islam.

The Baul Fakirs chose to live in poverty-like lifestyle with moderate levels of consumption. This is their way. As naturalists, they practise consumerism that is relatively sustainable in the geographical, environmental and cultural context of Bangladesh. Baul Fakirs demonstrate the path to sustainability of demographic, socio-economic and environmental development.

From now onward, I will continue to reveal the exoteric interpretations of Baul philosophy on sustainability and sustainable development addressing energy, poverty, micro-finance, demography, appropriate technology, acculturation and crime culture, education, health and longevity, aid baits and neo-colonialism, climate change and the environmental reprisal of Bangladesh. Through enlightening or enabling the development activists at the grass-roots, my intention is to re-educate or disable the politicians who are increasingly becoming pests.

পথের পরিচয় করে

যাও না মনের সন্ধে মেরে

লাভ লোকসান বুদ্ধির ধারে

যাবে না (লালন ফকির)

Pather parichoy kare,
Jao na maner sandeh mere.
Laav lokshan buddhir dare
Jabe jana (Lalon Fakir).

(Identifying a sustainable path, proceed diligently.
Intention results in right or wrong).

Let us help reverse the present crisis in Bangladesh.

Dated January 25 & 29, 2001 www.bangladesh-web.com

Md. Amzad Hossain

1 comment:

  1. ভাই,
    মহাত্মা লালনকে নিয়ে লেখা তথ্যবহুল চমৎকার ব্লকগুলোর জন্য অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ । উদ্ধৃত তাত্ত্বিক গানগুলো প্রচলিত শিল্পীদের কন্ঠে খুব কমই শোনা যায় । এ ধরনের গানগুলোর ভক্ত হওয়ার কারনে বিশেষ করে- "স্রষ্টা গড়াইছেন ধরণী কি সুন্দর করিয়া, যেখানে যা লাগে তাই দিয়া।"---গানটি মেইল করলে / ডাউনলোড করার জন্য লিংক দিলে ভীষন ভালো লাগতো ।
    মোঃ গিয়াস উদ্দীন চৌধুরী
