লালন ফকিরের মাজার

লালন ফকিরের মাজার

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


(Dedicated to Baba Sayed Nazibul Bashar Maizbhandari)
Lalon sings:

মিছে মায়ায় মদ খেয়ো না

প্রাপ্ত পথ ভূলে যেয়ো না

এবার গেলে আর হবে না

পরবি কয় যুগের পিছে।

Misse mayai mod kheo na
prapto path bhule jeo na
Ebar gele ar hobe na
Porbi koy juger pisse.

(Do not drink wine (prohibited things) under false temptations forgetting the sustainable pathway that you have been bestowed with. To miss opportunities this time will leave you behind time).

My guru Aziz Shah Fakir delivered a discourse on hearing the news about floating a new political partyJatiya Oikya Front(The National Unity Front) on the boat of Sufi Tarikat of Baba Sayed Nazibul Bashar Maizbhandari. The guru is happy that his spiritual longing for Sufism has inspired the establishment another major political party, in addition to those of Char Monai, Phultoli and Atroshi Pir Saheb. The party has come into being at the time of political full-tide (Vora Joar). Gurus urge for such a political party was expressed twice in IAM HARUN BAUL SPEAKING (4) published in the News From Bangladesh (NFB) on 21-05-2001; and again in IAM HARUN BAUL SPEAKING (PART 15) published in NFB on 04-07-2005 and 05-07-2005.

In his initial appeal for such a party, the guru revealed that Bangladesh needs a political party that understands the 'underlying' cultural basis of the countrywhich is evidently a sufism centric culture vibrant with secularism, Milad Mahfil and Urs. Some so-called secular politicians think that 'tupi' (cap) on the head is the popular culture of our country. They wear tupi before their audience. Bauls laugh at them. Bauls say:
সাধু হও, সাধু সেজো না (Sadhu hao, sadhu sejo na (Be honest, but do not pretend to be so).
By this, the politicians in context achieve nothing, but only display the culture of ' Moududis (non)Islamic politics' - what a shame!

The guru is not against tupi. It is part of our outwardly culture of nobility. Tupi and dari (beard) together synergistically form a symbol of honesty that draws public respect and honour. Uninitiated politicians who wear it are they at all honest? Probably NOT. Shame again!

A political party with sufi guise is urgently needed manifesting their inner meanings - brotherhood, honesty and modesty. Lalon's 'religious secularism' can guide such a political party to (re)build a sustainable stronghold of sufi culture of brotherhood, honesty and modest lifestyle on the soil of Bangladesh. Many of the baul songs have guidelines as well as wisdom in this regard.

Lalon sings:

পাড়ে কে যাবি নবীর নৌকাতে আয়

রপ কাস্থের নৌকা খানি নাই ডুবার ভয়।

বেচারা নাইয়ে যারে

তুফানে যাবে মারা

এক ধাক্কায়।

Pare ke jabi nabir naukate ai.
Rup kasther nauka khani nai dubar bhoy.
Beshara naie jare
Tufane jabe mara
eki dhakkai.

(Those who wish to go across, come on the boat of the Prophet.
The boat is made of the wood that has no fear of drowning.
Those who are non-initiated boatman, they will be ruined with a single struck).

Any political culture in the name of Islam which are devoid of the spirit(uality) of sufism are bound to fail to demonstrate ingeniousness over non-Islamic political cultures. The sufistic Islam of Bangladesh has the tariqat to safeguard the politicians who embark on the Nauka (boat) that is built with the materials of sufi culture.

In his second appeal Guru Aziz Shah urged Bangladeshi sufi activists to come forward to shape a new political partysay, Bangladesh Soth Party (BSP) - in line with sufi political philosophy of syncretism and inclusivism (inclusiveness) that bauls manifest in their values (approaches and actions). Socio-religious syncretism is evident at the mazar of Lalon Fakir at Seuria, Kushtia. Applying theseisms, the medieval sufis overwhelmed many parts of the world with Islamisation including Bangladesh. Lalons proselytisation to secularism is based on, among others, on humanism.

মানুষ তত্ত্ব যার সত্য হয় মনে;
সে কি অন্য তত্ত্ব মানে।
Manusa tattva jar satya hoy mone;
Se ki anya tattva mane.
(One who can truly comprehend the inner entity of humankind needs no other subjective).
মানুষ বুঝলে সোনার মানুষ হবি,
মানুষ ছেড়ে কচ্ছপরে তুই মূল হারাবি।
Manusa bhojle sonar manusa hobi,
Manusa sere khsapare tui mul harabi.
(By venerating man, you can be a golden man; otherwise you will lose your essence).

The guru affirms that more than 80% of Bangalee Muslims and most non-Muslims would support the new party, because of its inclusivistic and syncretistic attitudesthe TRUE secularism. The guru reveals that a true secularism exists where people can acquire their respective religio-cultural values intrinsically and manifest them, often synergistically. This type of secularism will bury socio-religious and communal conflicts as well as the dynastic democracy of the country. It will narrow down the materialistic gaps between rich and poor. It will function on the Straight Paththe Path of the Creators blessed personagesthe saints.

সত্য বলো সুপথে চলো, রে আমার মন
Satya bal su pathe chal, o re amar mon. Lalon
(Be truthful and remain on the 'straight path').

My guru is pleased with Baba Nazibul Bashar Maizbhandari for his initiative for the new party. The guru believes that baba Bhandari will not drink the wines (dirt) of the parties in power or of the opposition. The habit of stealing of public money and goods, unsustainable and harmful socio-economic development, lack of intention to do good for the common people, envy of the members in opposition parties, slavery of foreign power, and dependency on overseas aid are all dirt and common in our present political culture.

The other opinion of the guru is that he does not know yet whether the two associates of the new party are sufistic or not. If they are already Tarika Panthi, they should immediately withdraw their affinity to or enmity against any other parties. They should be totally dedicated to the political tarikat of sufi culture to reach the goal of the party. They should bear in mind that being a sufi follower, baba Bhandari will generally follow Lalons guidelines:

মুক্তা মণি রেখেছে ধনী, বাঁধাই করে যে দোকানে।
খুলবে কেনো সে ধন তার গ্রাহক বিনে?
Mukta moni rekhese dhoni, bandhai kore je dokane.
Khulbe keno se dhon tar grahak bine?
(The store which is full of jewels and pearls (values and wisdom), why will the storekeeper offer them without the presence of true seekers).

My guru urges that should the two associates yet to be initiated, must seek an authorised (Khelapath dhari) pir of any tarika of their choice, and practice the tarika, but , unlike the practice of a politician who visited the pir of Atroshi frequently.

ভবে মানুষ গুরু নিষ্ঠ যার।

সর্ব সাধনা সিদ্ধ হয় তার। - লালন

Vobe manusa guru nistha jar.
Sarva sadhana siddha hoy tar. -Lalon

(Those who can establish faith in man-guru, their all contemplations are achieved).

All they need to initially practice is social simplicity (brotherhood), honesty and modesty in approach and lifestyle under the guidance of their pir. Otherwise, baba Bhandari will have problems with his associates, as other party chiefs in Bangladesh are already experiencing.

Lalon cries:

বসত বাড়ীর ঝগড়া কেজো কিছুতে আর মিটলো না।

কার গোয়ালে কে দাই ধুঁনা, সব দেখি তা না না না না

ঘরের চোরে ঘর মারে যার,

বাসাতে সুখ হয় কিসে তার,

ভূতের কীর্তন যেমনি প্রকার,

তেমনি তার বসত খানা।

দেখে শুনে আত্মা 'লো,

কর্তা ভক্তি হতে হলো,

সাক্ষাতে ধন চুরি গেলো,

লজ্জা আর যাবে না।

Basat barir jhaghra kejo kisute ar mitlo na.
Kar gohale ke dai dhua, sab dekhi ta na na na na.
Gharer chore ghar mare jar,
Basate shukh hoy kishe tar,
Bhuter kirtan jemni prokar,
temni tar basat khana.
Dekhe shune atman kolo,
Karta bakti hotho holo,
Sakshate dhon churi gelo,
a lojjato ar jabe na.

(No efforts could succeed in resolving the intra-member conflicts. Blames on each other are thrown endlessly.
When things are stolen by a member of the same household, how can co-existence be peaceful? It is like the songs of ghosts. Observing the intra-member conflicts, the patriot is hurt. Wealth is stolen in front of the owner. This shame will never vanish.)

When Bauls sing this song, it enlightens the audience to open their third eye, which help them find both physical and spiritual solutions for the problems related to our holistic sustainability: poverty reduction, population burden, energy crisis and degradation of the environment. I would like to appeal to the patriots, in-side and out-side of Bangladesh, to ponder and come forward with ideas to support baba Bhandari.

Guru Aziz Shah Fakir sheds some lights on the forthcoming election manifesto of the party. He believes that only some major points/issues are required to be focused on/addressed to win over 70% of voters minds, for the synergies between the points will beget a happy, peaceful and culturally vibrant self-reliant Bangladesh.

The points are:
  1. to nominate honest candidates;
  2. to lessen the material gaps between rich and poor;
  3. to avail fish and fruits to everyone;
  4. to support rural household and city slum dwellers with cottage industry; and
  5. to produce exportable manpower.

According to my guru, brotherhood, honesty and modest lifestyle as a national policy will automatically bring down the number of poor with reducible poverty. Alleviation of poverty is neither possible in the geo-environmental and cultural conditions of Bangladesh, nor it is at all desirable for the sake of a long term sustainability of the county. A poverty-like modest (i.e. sustainable) lifestyle is, therefore, an imperative for this country. Baba Bhandari should stay away from all impractical political slogans such as poverty alleviation.

To avail fish and fruits for everyone will warrant a massive work in the area of water resource development, reduction of unsustainable fishing and fish export, and reduction in the cost of irrigation. Plantation of fruit trees on the roadsides throughout the country will alone help avail fruits for those who have no place to grow them.

To support rural households and city slums with cottage industries will help income generation for low income earners in the one hand, and reduce imports, on the other.

To produce exportable manpower withquality and skillwill lead the education sector to introduce moral (values) education at the primary level and appropriate skill development education and training at the secondary sector.

My guru is also concerned about the number of ministries. For a country like Bangladesh, it is calculated that only 10 ministries including a new ministry namely Sustainability Management Ministry are optimally required. Too many ministries at present only manifest the scenario of eating the crops by the fence itself (berai khet khaoa). Consequently, the termMontrihas earned enough hatred in the minds of the commons indicating that the Montris (past and present) are unlikely to pass in the next election.

The guru emphasises that if baba Bhandaris top associates can prove themselves brotherly, honest and modest, my guru will reveal the approach of a least cost (even cost free in some cases) election campaign for the nominated candidates. Support for good causes is inherent in Bangladesh culture. The recent phenomena in Kansat and Phulbari have abundantly proved that people do support the leaders fighting for good causes. People help such leaders at the costs of not only their own moneybut even with their life. If the new party cannot avail this cultural opportunity, it is likely that the party will see its end before its beginning. In order to find best candidates in 300 constituencies, baba Bhandari may wish to approach other sufis such as Charmunai, Phultoli and Atrashi pir qibla. Other approachable organizations are Bangladesh Dargah Mazar Federation, Ahley Sunnat Oikya Parishad, Ashekaney Awlia Parishad, Anjumaney Tariqat and Olama Mashaikh Federation.

An overwhelming success can be begotten InshAllahguru Aziz Shah Fakir believes. He has asked me to assist this party in order for (re)achieving self-reliant sustainability for our country.

Dated 10-05-2006 www.bangladesh-web.com

Md. Amzad Hossain

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