লালন ফকিরের মাজার

লালন ফকিরের মাজার

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


Naturalist Baul Gurus who are dedicated to the sustainability of mother nature have high esteem for scriptural wisdom. Wisdom has it that sustainability of global humanity and of the environment cannot be achieved through the modern sciences and economics devoid of the ethical aspects of human life. Bauls compare the modern sciences with copper, and ethics with gold. Lalon Fakir sings:

মন তোমার গান জানা গেলো পিতল কিনে সোনা বলো,
সেরাজ সাঁইয়ের বচন ভুলে রে লালন
মূল হারালি তুই দিনে দিনে।
Mon tomar gun jana gelo pitol kine sona bolo,
Seraj Sain er bochon vule re Lalon
Mul harali tui dine dine.
(This is the quality of your mind: you buy copper and call it gold. Neglecting the lessons of Seraj Sain (Guru), Lalon loses his grounding in day by day.)

Bauls stress that the original source of human ethics is stored in the revealed scriptures in the form of literature. Gurus have the true meaning of scriptural ethics and their application. The distorted version of scriptural ethics as is found in modern literature (and known as modern ethics) has resulted in pervasive ethical degradation. Bauls are shocked observing the modern ethicists (including Pundits and Ulama) who are sharply developing blindness to scriptures.

The ethicists who claim themselves to be freethinkers are apparently engaged in scriptural rebuttal. A handful of them are also engaged in crusades. Both groups appear to have lost all insight into the sustainability aspects (the deep ecology) of scriptures; though in their blindness they seek triple-bottom-line sustainability: social sustainability, economic sustainability and environmental sustainability.

Bauls see economic sustainability as unachievable unless these ethicists can envision the scriptural ethics of self-reliant natural living and avoid becoming absorbed into the pervasive universalisation. Applying scripturally recommended self-reliant simple living and so producing a socially sustainable community will generate the synergy needed to establish economic sustainability on the one hand, and also pave the way to environmental sustainability, on the other. Gurus have transmittable wisdom and know-how for the achievement of sustainability in context.

Guru (Mahtma) Gandhi said that the earth has enough for need, but not for greed. Earlier though, unlettered Baul Guru Lalon Fakir realized that educated people develop blindness in varying states while they study scriptures. They are, therefore, likely to fail to envision the natureís own way of sustainability as manifest in the revealed scriptures. Guru Lalon sings:

সব দেখি কানার হাট বাজার।
ভেদ বিধি সব শাস্ত্র কানা যদি কানা মন তোমার।
পন্ডিত কানা অহংকারে নেতা কানা স্বার্থে ভরে
সরকার কানা অজ্ঞ ভারে সে মানে না কোনো আচার।
এক কানা কয় আর এক কানারে চলো দেখি যাই ভব পারে
নিজেই কানা পথ চিনে না পরকে ডাকে বারম্বার।
কানা কানা ধলা মেলা বোবাতে খাই রসগোল্লা
লালন তেমনি মদনা কানা ঘুমের ঘোরে দই বাহার।
A sab dekhi kanar haat bazar.
Veda bidhi sab sastra kana jodi kana mon amar.
Pundit kana ahankare Sadhu kana onbichare
Fakir kana dewana bhare se mane na kono achar.
Ek kana koy ar ek kanare Chal dekhi jai bhaba pare
Nejei kana path chine na porke dake barongbar.
Kana kana dola mela Bobate khai rosgulla
Lalon temni modna kana ghumer ghore dai bahar.


I see all these as the market place of blind people.
All Scriptures appear blind if my own mind is blind.
Scholars are blind to their pride
Sadhus are blind of being non-judicious
Fakirs are blind of ecstasy and obey no rituals.
One blind person calls other blind saying

"let us go across the world".
He himself does not know the path
yet calls other to follow him time and again.
While the blind debate amongst themselves
The dumb will enjoy their food.
Lalon Fakir is a blind but mischievous
who applauses while in sleep.

Bauls reveal that scriptures appear to lack the reflective quality that might give clarity in peoples minds because peoples consciousness has become blinded by ego, insensibility and emotion. This blindness leads many highly educated people to fail to envision the sustainability aspects of scriptures.

These aspects are revealed often in metaphor. The common people understand metaphors simply. Their faith in the divine reward for simple living adds to a unity of sustainability. This is a way of composition of scriptures - literature of the highest levels.

As suggested in the above song, Bauls ear-mark free-thinkers as Pundits (highly educated), Ulama as Sadhus, and mystics as Fakirs. Bauls consider all these to be blind, for they conceive and interpret scriptures differently just as blind people conceive and describe an elephant differently.

Yet all of the blind defend their views and attack others. Sophistry among Pundits, Ulama and Baul Fakirs concerning apparently harsh rules of the Merciful Allah of Islam lies in their varying individual perceptions and interpretations though they follow the same Scriptures (the Quran and the Traditions).

This prevails because the mental make-up of all three of these groups is different one from another. They receive their foundation as well as advance education and training in different environments. Learning mechanisms, social aspirations and religio-spiritual pursuits of the people in context are different. So, they understand the same set of scriptural literature differently.

Ulama are generally educated at Madrasa and learn their religion (Islam) only literally, and therefore superficially. In their interpretations and perceptions of the scriptures they are all exoteric, and differ one from another widely. Freethinkers are mostly educated in various disciplines with varying degrees of secular learning. They learn about the religion of Islam by independently studying the English translation/interpretation of the Quran and Hadiths.

Yet some of them consider themselves as competent enough to challenge the validity of having a faith in the existence of God and a belief in Islam. Problem here is clarified when we reflect that the same freethinkers read books on other subjects, such as medicine or law, and they do not claim any such critical competence. They faithfully rely on physicians for their health affairs and a lawyer for legal matters. They also believe in the literature of medicine and law.

The Baul Fakirs of Bangladesh are known as "heterodox mystics" due to their veneration of Gurus and Mazars, and for their apparent heresy against some of the views of Sadhus and Pundits of Islam on the one hand, and for their movements beyond the Shariat (outward Islam), on the other. Baul Fakirs are mostly unlettered and have no direct access to literature. They receive their foundation learning and training from their Guru transmitted heart to heart and by inner realization. So, a Bauls interpretations of scriptures are again different. They are mostly esoteric.

The foundation learning of Baul Fakirs like other village artisans generally includes the skills and wisdom for self-reliant living for sustaining themselves in the midst of various man-made and natural adversities. The broad meaning of foundation learning is illustrated by the following Bengali folk story:

A pundit (scholar) was once crossing a big river on a boat. On the way the pundit asked the boatman you know how to read or write? Then 25% of your life is spoiled. After a while the pundit asked,Do you know why tides take place? Then 50% of your life is spoiled.Again he asked, “You know why eclipses occur? Then 75% of your life is spoiled.In the mean time a storm developed. The boatman asked the pundit,Do you know how to swim?The boatman exclaimed:Then 100% of your life is spoiled.

The present sophistry and scepticism regarding Muslim God and His Scripture, and the Prophet's (sm.) sayings and doings as thrown by Pundits are similar to the queries of novice Bauls during their foundation learning. They are, in principle, very close to freethinker Pundits in some respects. Novice Bauls are sceptical fundamentalists: they are agnostic about God, about religions, about science and logic, but still they are fundamental(ist) believers in the words of Guru. Gurus believe in the Supreme Guru ñ God of nature, the synergistic entity in origination and ending of all natural forces. Jethai patan, sethai utthan (beginning begins from the end). Natural forces nourish regeneration.

In their scepticism to religious rituals Bauls pose questions. For example:

সুন্নত নফল ফরজ সকল, রাকাত গোণো নামাজে;
থাকলে এতো হিসাব কিতাব, বরযখ ঠিক রয় কিসে?
Sunnat nafal faraz sokol, rakat gano namaje;
Thakle eto hisab kitab, barjokh thik roy kise?
(How can one concentrate if all the rituals are counted during prayer/contemplation?)

In the context of qualitative inequality amongst people, Bauls wonder why

এক কুরআন পড়া শুনা,
কেউ মৌলবী কেউ মাওলানা;
আবার দাহেরা হয় কত জনা, সে মানে না সরার কাজী।
Ek e Quran pora shuna,
Kew maulavi kew maulana;
Abar dahera hoy koto jona, se manena shorar kazi.
(By studying the same Quran, some are learned, some scholars, yet some heretics.)

Bauls are skeptical about the religious doctrines of human sufferings:

যদি যখনকার ভোগ তখন বুঝি,
শিশু তবে হয় কেনো রুগী।
লালন বলে বলো দেখি, শিশুর কখন গুণাহখাতা?
Jodi jakhan-kar bhog takhan bhugi,
Shishu tabe hoy keno rugi.
Lalon bole bolo dekhi, shishur kakhan guna khata?

(If we suffer due to the mis-deeds of the present, then why do infants become sick and how through sin can we account for this?)

Bauls like Pundits are sceptic of religious God himself.

আমি জানিতে চাই দয়াল তুমার আসল নামটা কি?
আমরা বহু নাম ধুরাধামে, কতো রকমে ডাকি।
কেহ তোমায় বলে ভগবান গড বলে কেউ করে আহবান
কেউ খোদা কেউ জিহবা কেউ পার্সিয়ান
গাইলাম জনম ভরা মুখস্ত গান, মুখ বুলা টিয়া পাখী।
কেউ পিতা কেহ পুত্র কয় বন্ধু বলে কেউ দেই পরিচয়
তুমি সকলের সকল, আবার কারুর কেহ নয়
তোমার যে আসল পরিচয়, আমরা তার বুঝবো কি?
সর্ব শাস্ত্রে শুনিতে যে পাই তোমার নাকি মাথাপিতা নাই
তবে তোমার নাম কি রাখলো সাঁই সদাই ভাবি তাই
তুমি নাম কি অনামী সাঁই, আমরা তার বুঝি বা কি?
Ami janite chai doyal tumar asal naam ta ki?
Amra bohu name dhuradhame, koto rokome daki.
Keho tumai bole Bhagawan God bole kew kare ahhaban
Kew Khuda kew Jehoba kew koy Parsian
Gailam janam vora mukhasta gaan, mukh bula tia pakhi.
Kew pita kew keha putra koy bandhu bole kew dei porichoy
Tumi sokoler sokol, abar karur keha noy
Tumar je asal porichoy, amra tar bbujhbo ki?
Sarba sastre sunite je pai tumar naki matha pita nai
Tabe tomar naam ke rakhlo sain sodai vabi tai
Tumi nami ki onaami sain, amra tar bujhhi baki?

(O merciful God, I want to know your real name.
We call you by many names in many forms.
Some call you Bhagawan, some God
Some Kkuda, some Jehova, yet some call you Parsian.
We sang our songs lifelong from memory, just as parrots do.
Some call you Father, some son, some Friend
You are everything for everyone, and no-one to anyone at times
How can we know your true identity?
All scriptures inform us that you do not have parents
Then who gave you your name, I always wonder
whether you are with name or without, how can we know that?)

Yet at another point Bauls differ from Pundits. In their faith in a Guru. Bauls believe that guru vakya sar, ar sob bahya jnan (only Gurus discourse has insight ñ others are superficial). Bauls are so deeply Guruvadi because Gurus are personages with the truth of phenomenal manifestation. Bauls say that all human being must have faith in/on someone.

I say my name Harun and maintain it because my parents called me Harun. I believe them in their naming of me. Society has also accepted a man as my father whom my mother claims to be my father without any proof whatsoever. The case of God to people and the case of father to a child and to a society is no different. All are based on belief, and belief is based on faith in Guru (who knows the truth as my mother knows of my true father). We do believe in medicine given by doctors and law by lawyers, for we have faith on Gurus of medicine and law respectively.

The outcome of a Pundits deliberate deprivation from comprehending the wisdom of Guru is increasingly being manifest in all spheres of our global(ised) society. Numerous people are being killed everyday and resources destroyed.

Many are losing their money, their assets. Many women are losing their sanctity. In a global perspective, all these losses are acts of terrorism if done by Muslims. In Bangladesh such terrorism is ascribed as crimes arising out of political turmoil.

However, the religion of Islam is blamed by some Pundits with Muslim backgrounds for killing many people throughout its history. Those Pundits present comprehensive accounts of Quranic verses in support of killing infidels. Truly, the Quran supports the killing of infidels. Pundits note this as utter cruelty. Sadhus treat the killing of infidels as religiously meritorious. Baul Fakirs prefer to assess them case by case. In the assessment they apply their third eye (mystico-spiritual mirror) and gather wisdom about unimaginable acts ñ cruel or otherwise - including killing apparently innocent people, if the acts are performed by Gurus as reflected in the Quran:

18:63 He replied: "Sawest thou (what happened) when we betook ourselves to the rock? I did indeed forget (about) the Fish: none but Satan made me forget to tell (you) about it: it took its course through the sea in a marvellous way!"

18:64 Moses said: "That was what we were seeking after:" So they went back on their footsteps, following (the path they had come).

18:65 So they found one of Our servants, on whom We had bestowed Mercy from Ourselves and whom We had taught knowledge from Our own Presence.

18:66 Moses said to him: "May I follow thee, on the footing that thou teach me something of the (Higher) Truth which thou hast been taught?"

18:67 (The other) said: "Verily thou wilt not be able to have patience with me!"

18:68 "And how canst thou have patience about things about which thy understanding is not complete?"

18:69 Moses said: "Thou wilt find me, if God so will, (truly) patient: nor shall I disobey thee in aught."

18:70 The other said: "If then thou wouldst follow me, ask me no questions about anything until I myself speak to thee concerning it."

18:71 So they both proceeded: until, when they were in the boat, he scuttled it. Said Moses: "Hast thou scuttled it in order to drown those in it? Truly a strange thing hast thou done!"

18:72 He answered: "Did I not tell thee that thou canst have no patience with me?"

18:73 Moses said: "Rebuke me not for forgetting, nor grieve me by raising difficulties in my case."

18:74 Then they proceeded: until, when they met a young man, he slew him. Moses said: "Hast thou slain an innocent person who had slain none? Truly a foul (unheard of) thing hast thou done!"

18:75 He answered: "Did I not tell thee that thou canst have no patience with me?"

18:76 (Moses) said: "If ever I ask thee about anything after this, keep me not in thy company: then wouldst thou have received (full) excuse from my side."

18:77 Then they proceeded: until, when they came to the inhabitants of a town, they asked them for food, but they refused them hospitality. They found there a wall on the point of falling down, but he set it up straight. (Moses) said: "If thou hadst wished, surely thou couldst have exacted some recompense for it!"

18:78 He answered: "This is the parting between me and thee: now will I tell thee the interpretation of (those things) over which thou wast unable to hold patience.

18:79 "As for the boat, it belonged to certain men in dire want: they plied on the water: I but wished to render it unserviceable, for there was after them a certain king who seized on every boat by force.

18:80 "As for the youth, his parents were people of Faith, and we feared that he would grieve them by obstinate rebellion and ingratitude (to God and man).

18:81 "So we desired that their Lord would give them in exchange (a son) better in purity (of conduct) and closer in affection.

18:82 "As for the wall, it belonged to two youths, orphans, in the Town; there was, beneath it, a buried treasure, to which they were entitled: their father had been a righteous man: So thy Lord desired that they should attain their age of full strength and get out their treasure - a mercy (and favour) from thy Lord. I did it not of my own accord. Such is the interpretation of (those things) over which thou wast unable to hold patience."

The Punditya (scholarship, logic) of Moses utterly failed to imagine the reasons behind the above apparently absurd acts. Bauls acquire higher truth (wisdom) from this story ñ wisdom for sustainability. Pundits seek reformation of the religion of Islam by way of modifying the Quran.

To that end some Pundits suggest the application of logic, science and scepticism. They refute faith and argue that belief without evidence make no sense. Faith and belief are not needed because they hold us backward. We need reason, logic, understanding, knowledge and doubt. It is scepticism that has made the world advance, not faith. To them, faith is for credulous people. Intelligent people do not believe. They question, they think, they ponder, they scrutinize and they doubt.

Bauls in their state of immaturity think like Pundits. They pose to examine the name of their father through freethinking. In the end, they resolve in believing their mother Guru. This is why Bauls do not waste time. They submit to their Gurus and hold faith and belief in them; because Bauls know that there is a limit to everything. Freethinking has also a stuck-point which requires ëfaithí or ëbeliefí to overcome. Baul mysticism (higher truth) begins here. Pundits are blind of it.

They fail to conceive the insights of the Quranic stories of sleeping in the cave over 300 years, remain alive for 40 days in the stomach of a fish, collection and boarding of all creatures in pairs on an ark, flying in the air, miraj and so on. Freethinker Pundits cannot have any clues of these sorts of Quranic revelations. How can then Pundit reform the Quran. Unless they can learn the grammar of freethinking from a Guru, it is a futile exercise. Bauls discard all three of intellectual skepticism, science and logic if these are exercised without their respective limitations.

Bush and Sharon are not yet believers in complete Islam. They perhaps apply the skepticism of freethinking through and through; though the inner meaning of their war on terror may be quite different. Wisdom reveals: truth remains in the opposite as everything is its opposite. However, scepticism, logic, reason, doubt, science all can also induce Pundits like Bush and Sharon to kill people and destroy resources indiscriminately.

The Quran being a scripture with complete code of life should surely support killing infidels. If a Punditís mother is killed or raped in front of the Pundit, what would s/he do? What does the scientific laws of the day do? If capital punishment is exercised in such cases, then what is wrong with the acts (including killing infidels) for sustainability of the Quran? The Quran deals mainly with the essence of humanity, which remains unchanged over time. Greed, anger, lust -- all these still prevail. Dealing with human essence is the primary science. Innovations and inventions are only secondary to it.

Bauls respect individual freedom - freedom of mind and freedom of belief, but not freedom of expressing opinion, for it can go wrong and create controversy, especially if the opinions expressed are construed as based on skepticism, logic and intelligence. Should Pundits desire to opine on religious matters, especially the Islamic rules of killing, they should first seek to learn about the nature's ways of dealing through a science of living by killing or killing for a living.

The whole ecosystem is founded on this scientific practice. Man cannot survive at all beyond the law of nature. All religions of the world have some provision for killing for the sake of human sustainability in varying degrees. Bauls sing strongly in support of the view of varying degrees taking things to a degree that provides a pace for replenishment. This is the law as well as the science of sustainability.

The entire Quranic revelation is central to sustainability management. Many Pundits are totally ignorant of it. They act on only a few verses of the Quran, though acting only literally. Their study of the Quran is of limited scope like the following act of Mullah Nasiruddin:

Sufi Mullah Nasiruddin was once seriously searching for something under a light post in front of his house. One asked him:

What are you looking for Mullah?
A bunch of keys.
Where have you lost it?
Inside my house.
Why are you then searching here?
There is much more light here.

The scriptures are well recognized as the highest pieces of literature. To understand the literature of Sarat Chandra, Tagore, Nazrul, Jasimuddin -- the Bengali students start by learning them from teachers in their primary schools and continue even though they are at university study. The Quran as a scriptural literature deserves even more. Pundits would not treat algebra or biology in this way, as presenting just one message at all levels.

Bauls, so, grieve:

কই হলো গুরু পদে মতি মতি আমার কই হলো।

আজ হবে কাল হবে বলে কথাই কথাই দিন ফুরালো।

ইন্দ্র আদি সব বিবাদি সব তাতে বাধাই কালো

কারো কথা কেউ শুনে না উপায় কি করি বলো।

যে রূপ দেখি তাইতে আখিঁ হয়ে যায়রে বিভোর

দ্বীপের আলো এসে ভবে কি কর্ম সবে করিলো

লালন বলে সকল আমার যজ্ঞের ঘি কুত্তায় খেলো।
Koi holo guru pode moti amar koi holo.
Aj hobe kal hobe bole kothai kothai din furalo.
Indra adi sab bibadi sab tate badhai kalo
Karo katha kew sune na upai ki kari balo.
Je rup dekhi taite ankhi hoie jai re bivoro
Dviper alo dekhe jemon ure patonga pure molo.
Ki korite eshe vobe ki karma sobe korilo
Lalon bole sokol amar jagner ghee
kuttai khelo.

(Where is my loyalty to my Guru. I pass my days leaving things to do tomorrow. Everyone is dispute-loving and they fall into conflict over all things. No one listens to anyone else, what is the remedy? People are attracted to whatever things they see, same as insects who fall into the fire. Why do people do, as they do with no responsibility for what they should do? Lalon says that all my sacred ghee is taken by dogs).

Dated 23/01/2002 www.bangladesh-web.com
Md. Amzad Hossain

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