লালন ফকিরের মাজার

লালন ফকিরের মাজার

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


On Lalon & Bengali Folk Song

Dine dine din furalo Mahakale ghire elo, Bole Muhr Lalon, hin holam vajan,Na jani mor vaggei ki hoy.Lalon Fakir.Longevity approaches its grand end with the passing of time. Lalon says: I am poor in devotionknow not about my fate afterward.

After careful observation of the recent socio-economic and political situation in Bangladesh, my guru Aziz Shah Fakir reveals that a major collapse of sustainability of the country is only doors away. Continuing administrative and policy failures in the management of the country are partly responsible for several unsustainable situations: prices are escalating, millions of people are starving for the want of food, water supply systems are breaking down, corruptions is being revitalised, industries are closing, law and order is deteriorating, socio-political unrest is uprising, fatal road accidents are soaring, phenomena ofjustice delayed, justice deniedrevealing, Hasina-Khaleda issues are aggravating.

Amongst all that has been mentioned, the guru stresses that inviting unnecessary discussions with well-known corrupted political parties is going to be the greatest of all blunders. This will generate a most unfortunate outcome for the country. The marked corrupted leadership will return in the forthcoming elections, if the election drivers fail to innovate a strong safety net in order to prevent the entry of corrupt candidates at all levels of election.

What the guru understands is that the top drivers in the government are walking on a conjectural path like blind people. The consequences are going to echo as Lalon sings:

সব দেখি কানার হাট বাজার।
ভেদ বিধি সব শাস্ত্র কানা যদি কানা মন তোমার।
পন্ডিত কানা অহংকারে নেতা কানা স্বার্থে ভরে
সরকার কানা অজ্ঞ ভারে সে মানে না কোনো আচার।
এক কানা কয় আর এক কানারে চলো দেখি যাই ভব পারে
নিজেই কানা পথ চিনে না পরকে ডাকে বারম্বার।
কানা কানা ধলা মেলা বোবাতে খাই রসগোল্লা
লালন তেমনি মদনা কানা ঘুমের ঘোরে দই বাহার।

A sab dekhi kanar haat bazar.
Veda bidhi sab sastra kana jodi kana mon tomar.
Pundit kana ahankare neta kana sartha vare
Sarkar kana ognavare se mane na kono achar.
Ek kana koy ar ek kanare chal dekhi jai vaba pare
Nejei kana path chine na porke dake barongbar.
Kana kana dola mela bobate khai rosgulla
Lalon temni modna kana ghumer ghore dai bahar.

(I see all these as the market place of blind people.
All Scriptures appear blind if ones own mind is blind.
Scholars are blind to their pride
Leaders are blind of being non-judicious
Government is blind of ignorance and obey no laws.
One blind person calls the other blind saying
"let us go across the world".
He himself does not know the path
Yet calls others to follow him time and again.
While the blinds debate amongst themselves
The dumb ones enjoy their food.
Lalon Fakir is such a naughty blind
who applauses while in sleep).

The guru reveals that the drivers sometimes appear to be on the same boat revealing their blindness in several crucial political and economic issues. They appear with a deep lacking of reflective qualities that could convey clarity in peoples minds in order to remove their doubts about the impending elections. The top driversdeliberate or intrinsic blindness are resulting in keeping people in the dark. The possession of high educational certificates from home and abroad is not helping them to be wise enough. Some of the driversapproaches to do things clearly reveal their high degree of ignorance about the sustainability friendly religio-cultural values of Bangladesh including patriotism, being one of the fundamental values that they lack.

The guru is also surprised to observe that the entity of patriotism hardly exists in the elite communities: bureaucrats, technocrats, lawyers, doctors, academia, NGO workerseven amongst politicians who are at the foundation of the patriotism pyramida country cannot run nor prosper without the patriotism of the politicians. It also appears to the guru that most elites, including the top drivers, with a rural background, appear to have forgotten their traditional rural values that are crucial for the nurturing of rural resources. The others who lack a rural background are intrinsically disadvantaged and are more likely to be ignorant about the nationalistic interest in view of sustaining relationships with foreign countries in accordance with Bangladeshs rural socio-economic and geo-environmental realities. The guru believes that some who are not from a rural background may even have believed in their childhood thatfish come from refrigerators, for they were not brought up near any water. The guru has also noticed that much of their lifestyle and their approaches to develop Bangladesh suggest that they know more about the Western world than their own.

Consequently, they are found to be fond of exoticism in their lifestyle and development plans. They believe in dependency theory of the West led globalisation instead of a SELF-RELIANT sustainable Bangladesh. SELF-RELIANCE has been a characteristic for Bangladesh historically and the country must remain so in the future for its long-term sustainability. The guru reveals that the West was never self-reliant in the past, is not at present, and is only remotely possible to be so in the future. That is why the West has always been doinglootpatfrom the East throughout the history.

Re-achieving self-reliant sustainability and pursuing modest and sustainable lifestyle in accordance with Sufistic Baul philosophy is the only way forward for Bangladesh. This is even true for many other nations on the globe. Thus, steps towards restoration of sustainability by generating steps towards meeting the criteria of SELF-RELIANCE is asustainability emergencywhich must be endorsed in accordance with the pathway that the guru showed inIM HARUN BAUL SPEAKING PART 17, published in NFB on September 16, 2006.

My guru is happy to learn that a number of political parties have demanded local government election first. This is a brilliant idea. This will facilitate new political parties like that of Baba Nazibul Bashar Maizvandaris Tariqat Federation to build leadership at the grassroots, win seats overwhelmingly and create a thriving position for the parliamentary election.

The guru still holds the view that the following agenda/actions will quickly restore the country with sustainability.

1. to select proven honest and competent candidates;

(answering to only 10 questions that the guru has can determine a persons demonstrated honesty and competency)

2. to avail fish and fruit trees for everyone;

(everyone needs them and they are the easiest to achieve in Bangladesh provided the government is willing and knows how).

3. to give full support to the people willing to work overseas;

(every family wants to send a member overseas and the government can assist by giving full logistical support to those who are in need).

4. to facilitate small-scale industrial productivity in the country;

(80% of our families need extra income; it will minimise imports and generate women employment at home).

5. To narrow the lifestyle gaps between rich and poor;

(a national policy to promote brotherhood, honesty and a modest lifestyle would result in narrowing down the distance between the rich and poor. This is the most easiest way of reducing poverty and crime; once explained, both rich and poor people would appreciate, accept and implement)

6. Equitable foreign policy

(90% of people would support this view)

The guru says that if a party with Sufi philosophy can select 4 ward representatives including 2 females, 2 union representatives, male and female), 1 Thana and 1 constituency representatives (male or female) through a simple honesty and competency test, the guru will organise training for them immediately. The training will reveal how to present the election agenda to the people along with simple and clear implementation procedures. Once villagers are convinced, InshAllah, they will come forward to bear the essential election costs. Needless to say that people will also vote for the party candidates overwhelmingly.

Finally, the guru appeals that if any Tariqat panthi political party fails to uptake this manifesto, then the Election Commission itself ought to promote the gurus revelations to save the country from the hands of the dishonest and incompetent polity. At the same time, the guru warns the top drivers to avoid conjectural path revealing its drawbacks as Lalon advises:

যেও না আন্দাজি পথে, মন রসনা

কুপঙ্কে কুপা পলে, প্রাণ বাঁচবে না।

অনুরাগ তরণী ছোড়ো

দাঁড় চিনে উজান ধরো

লালন বলে করতে পারো

মূল সাধনা।

Jeo na andaji pathe, o mon rasana.
Kupanke kupanche pole, praan bachbe na.
Pather parichoy kare,
Jao na maner sandeh mere,
Laav lokshan buddhir dare Jabe jana.
Anurag tarani choro
Dhar chine ujan dhoro
Lalon bole karte paro mul sadhana.

(Do not proceed through conjectural path. It has fatal pitfalls.
Identifying a sustainable path, proceed diligently.
Intention results in right or wrong.
Sail on a boat of commitment, and go ahead to overcome adversities.
Lalon says, you can then accomplish your goal).
Lets hope for the best, Insh-Allah.

Dated 29-04-2008 www.bangladesh-web.com

Md. Amzad Hossain

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