লালন ফকিরের মাজার

লালন ফকিরের মাজার

Tuesday, 10 April 2012



উজান ভেতেল পথ দুটি
দেল নয়ন করো খাঁটি
দাও যদি মন গোরা ভাটি
কুল পাবা না। - লালন

Ujan vetel path duti
Del noyon koro khati
Dao jodi mon gora vati
Kul pabanaLalon

(There are two pathwaysconventional and divergent. Integrate your heart and minds (i.e. inner and outer faculties). If you are unthoughtful, you wont reach your target).

This revelation makes Bauls follow unconventional pathways (Ultapath) in an attempt to acquire wisdom of Ultapath. They adhere to a Sufi belief that suggests:truth lies in the opposite. My guru Aziz Shah Fakir (94) of Charaikole, Kushtia reveals that alternative pathways towards resolving problems are innovated in line with the increase of problems. This suggests that the scale and intensity of problems synergistically generate alternative pathways.

Increasing problems in Bangladesh social, economic, political, environmental, and religious sustainability are currently demanding for an alternative pathway. This is to address the widening lawlessness and political turmoil all over the country.

Observing the current political scenario, the guru once suggested that there is a need for an alternative political philosophy (seeIM HARUN BAUL SPEAKING (Part 15) published on 04/07/2005 and 05/07/2005 www.bangladesh-web.com

The Guru maintains that today or tomorrow the Tarika-panti Muslims (followers of Sufism) would come forward to protect, restore and conserve the depleting vibrancy of our age long secular, progressive, peace loving and spiritualistic vis-à-vis inclusivistic Islamic culture in Bangladesh. They will remove the on-going trend of rejecting Sufism by the followers of Wahabism.

Bauls reveal that the Tarika-panthi politics will manifest their religio-spiritualistic values such as moderate consumption habits and simple lifestyle. These values are central to Islamic way of life and inherently a pathway to achieving sustainability. Manifestation of these values underpinned by honesty and modesty would enable Bangladesh to rapidly progress toward a transition to political, religio-cultural and environmental sustainability.

My guru suggests that secular Baul songs are required to be practiced in our day to day culture in order to enlighten our spirituality:

আশার সিন্ধু তীরে বসে আছি সদাই,
সাধু জোগালো চরণের ধূলো,
লাগবে কবে এই পাপীর গায়ে।
Ashar sindhu tire bose asi sodai.
Sadhu jugolo choronero dhulo,
Lagbe kobe ei papir gaye.
(I am sitting on the shore of the ocean of hope.
When will the dusts of saints feet touch this sinners body?)

আমার ঘরের চাবি পরের হাতে
কেমনে খুলিয়া সে ধন
দেখিবো সাক্ষাতে।
Amar ghorer chabi porar hathe
Kemone khulia se dhon
Dekhibo shakhsete.
(The key to my inner being is in the hand of another being.
How will I open it to view its treasure?)

It is clear from the above spiritual craving that current educational system has so far failed to convey the message about spiritual values that facilitate sustainability management. It is yet to be understood that if sustainable development is clearly a means of achieving a sustainable way of living, then values education for sustainability is the only pathway toward its achievement.

Bauls speak less and ponder deeply. Bauls are simple in nature, modest in consumption, rich in values, inherently spiritualistic, and extensive in sustainability manifestation. Baulsrole of engaging community for providing education for sustainability conservation is rendered through their spontaneous singing at growth centres and at the crowded Mazars of the Sufi mystics. Bauls are intrinsically people centric.

Despite all these, Bauls are treated as the members of an esoteric community. Why? Bauls are cautious in their exposition. They do not spread pearls in the bush, i.e. they do not transfer wisdom and truth for sustainability management to those who are not seeker of sustainable Bangladesh. Lalon sings:

খুলবে কেনো সে ধন তার গ্রাহক বিনে।
মুক্তা মণি রেখেছে ধনী, বাঁধাই করে যে দোকানে।
Khulbe keno se dhon tar grahak bine.
Mukta moni rekhese dhoni, bandhai kore je dokane.
(Why will he transmit the acquired pearls (wisdom) without the presence of true seekers).

Whenever my guru Aziz Shah Fakir is asked by an initiate about the current terroristic/violent situation in Bangladesh, he replies that this situation is embedded in the system of nature. Nature manifests its attributes as and when required. Man has no clue to it. Lalon sings:

সাঁই আমার কখন খেলে কোন খেলা
জিহবার কি সাধ্য আছে গুনে পড়ে তাই বলা।
Sain amar kokhon khele kon khela
Jiver ki sadhya ase gune pore tai bola.

(What games does my Sain (Lord - Purusha) play when, Jiva (creature) has no clue to (fore)tell it applying knowledge?).

Nature has as many as 99 prominent attributes such as the giver of peace, the giver of disgrace, the most merciful, the controller of things, the protector, the giver of death, the one who causes retardation, the taker of retribution, one who brings distress, the hinderer etc. Nature executes its attributes through its tools such as good or bad climatic conditions, and demographic boom or bust. Bauls understand that Sain does not play games by Himself. Natural phenomena are its play-partners.

Islam has qualified God (the Almighty Allah) with these attributes. These attributes have all that are required for sustainability protection, management, conservation, restoration and administration. My guru reveals that all the current episodes, though apparently subversive to the state, inherently correspond to the 99 attributes of Allah/nature. The growing incidents are not unnatural, and hence, not displaceable through man made laws and regulations.

My guru reveals that corruption and cheating are not amongst the 99 attributes of God/nature. Many politicians own the attribute of corruption and cheating. In our political culture, politicians in general are encouraged to follow their leaders. Many bureaucrats and technocrats are also found to follow politicians in order to make their life-style largely different from others. The present Bangladesh is passing through these unsustainable attributes.

My guru warns that as the said attributes are not in congruent with those of nature, the possessors of those attributes are subject to encounter retaliation sooner or later. The guru urges them to learn that nature does not allow unnatural practices to exist for long.

My guru reveals that politicians in power should have no reason to believe that armed forces can protect them from the hands of natures army. The irresistible natural means of retaliation will be on the increase until corruption and sexual violence are removed from society along with the quick degeneration of political godfathers and godmothers.

How to address this situation? The guru says that there are ways to kill the snake without breaking the stick. The politicians are required to be a little wise realising that excess wealth does not enhance satisfaction. Once basic biological needs for food, shelter, clothing and healthcare are met and a standard of living providing some leisure time for spiritual exercise is adopted, further consumption does not provide much increased satisfaction. On the other hand, Islamic Sufi/Baul culture promotes that over-consumption and acquisition of non-essential goods are recognised as sinful acts. Above all, moderate poverty is to be recognised as a sustainability tool for Bangladesh.

Who believe in this simple theory of sustainability management? Harun Baul sings:

সহজ পথের পথিক যারা
উল্টা মতে চলে তারা
আজিজ ফকিরের এই ধারা
বুঝলো না হারুন গোবেচারা।

Sahaja pather pathik jara
Ulta mote chole tara
Aziz Fakirer ehi dhara
bujhlona Harun gobechara.

(Those who are the seekers of simple path,
they seem to possess unconventional ideology.
Aziz Fakir is pro-unconventionalism,

But, foolish Harun fails to understand this simple way). Lalon Fakir reveals the same message in another way:

আমার দেখে শুনে জ্ঞান হলো না
কি করিতে কি করিলাম,
দুদ্ধেতে মিশালাম চনা।
Amar dekhe shune jnan holo na
Ki karite ki karilam,
Dughdhete mishalam chona.

(I fail to learn from observation. I do what is not to be done; I mix urine of the cow with cow milk).

My guru Aziz Shah Fakir recognises that to err is human. But, he does not accept that a professional milkman can mix cow urine with cow milk, even mistakenly. The guru claims that this type of unacceptable mistakes is taking place in our religious life. In his judgment, our religious life is the driving force of our social, economical, political and environmental aspects of life. Unfortunately, all these aspects of our life have resulted in such a mess that they have corrupted everything - sociality, religiosity, economy, politics and the environment.

The guru reveals that Islam in Bangladesh has blended on a spiritual platform of inclusivism by Khaja Baba, Baba Shah Jalal, Baba Vandari and guru Lalon Sainjee. Apart from its religious intensity, outer Islam has become a popular culture for allHindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, and the Tribals. To Muslims, Islam is a religion as well as a way of life. To others, it is a culture for sustainability. Many pundits recognise Islam in Bangladesh aspopular Islam'. This Islam is currently needed in order to removeunpopularity of Islam globally.

The guru reveals that though social, economic and environmental management, and politics are all inter-connected and intra-dependent, they are all central to religiosity. The synergies between them are depicted through cultural manifestation. Hence, our version of Islampopular Islam - has a political culture, economic culture, societal culture, environmental culture, and above alla popular culture that heighten peoples spirituality.

The guru claims that our religious cultures have been safe-guarded by Pir Mashaikh and Baul gurus since its germination in Bangladesh. Nowadays, it is increasingly being corrupted by a political party whose history goes back to Najd. There is a well known Hadith that reveals the Prophets utter disliking about this placeNajd. The contemporary religiosity, lifestyle, sociality and politics of Najd prove nothing but the accuracy of the prophecy of the Prophet Mohammad (pub).

Dated 10-02-2006 www.bangladesh-web.com

Md. Amzad Hossain

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